Cost effective advertising for everyone!
Here on Almeria Gold, we belive in fair advertising prices. Prices that every small business can afford.
There are no long term commitments and you are not tied in either. In fact, you can run an advert for just one month or for as many months as you like. It's your advert and your terms. All adverts are played 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Also, we recognise that your business needs can change regularly and with Almeria Gold you can change your advert free of charge once a month for no additional fees.
If you need advert flexibility or short or long term term advertising, you simply cannot beat our packages and coverage.
We also include a free banner advert for your business which is placed in front of every listener who interacts on our live chat on a daily basis. Every day we receive an average of 1320 comments and requests through our live chat.
Why not email us via our contact us page for further information.
Prices quoted are plus IVA at 21% and are correct as of 14th July 2023.
Why choose us?
Almeria Gold is part of the Almeria Radio Group and provide great live shows from more than 44 DJ's, which keeps listeners engaged all day, every day! We avoid pre-recorded or "voice tracked" shows whenever possible. Our listeners just love to interact in real-time.
We use three state of the art transmitters and have invested thousands in top end production software and hardware to give the very best sound possible on FM with a "no hiss" punchy, stereo FM sound.
We also have an "over the air" direct secure connection to our transmitters and our main studio features power backup and three bonded internet connections (two over the air and fibre) to keep us live.
We have four studios in South East Spain and one in the UK, all setup and dedicated purely to radio broadcasting. Our main production studio is also in-house and features state of the art equipment.
More remote studios means we also have better fail-over - and this means less down time when the internet suffers locally or we get those annoying localised power outages. Other DJ's in unaffected areas can take over instantly!
As we use remote studios, with Almeria Radio, you are not contributing to a "physical studio's" electric, heating, lighting, rental or additional business costs when you pay for your advertising. We pass the saving straight on to you making us far more cost effective!
Areas We Cover
Almeria Gold cover the Almanzora Valley on 95.5FM including Albox, Cantoria, Macael, Oria, Arboleas, La Afoquia all the way to Huercal Overa.
We also have a dedicated Alexa skill and broadcast online via our website and Radio Garden - and very soon via Tune-in to Google devices.
Banner Adverts
We provide banner adverts to local businesses who listen and support Almeria Radio free of charge. We show a maximum of 20 adverts on our website and also on our intuitive and popular chat system.
An advert lasts 1 month from the 1st of each month. As we normally have more than 40 adverts, adverts will be rotated fairly. Therefore you may see your advert replaced with others from time to time.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.
You can also call us (business enquiries only) on 0034 643 97 28 87.